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Event Contact(s)
Barry C Meyer
PhillyMINI Social Event
Registration Info
Registration is required
About this event
The Cars and Motorcycles of England Show is scheduled for Saturday June 1.2024
PhillyMINI is again planning on attending the show and we would like to see a big
turnout for this event. We will park in our own car corral, and we will be judging our Minis
with the top three receiving a plaque. Bring a picnic lunch and a lawn chair and enjoy a
display of various British cars and motorcyles. Preregistration for entering your car in the
show is now open thru May 24th. For a mere $20.00 enjoy the day with your fellow
PhillyMINI peeps.
Please visit!event-register/2023/6/3/cars-motorcycles-of-england for full event information and to register
Meetup will be at the Dunkin Donuts 520 Pennsylvania Ave Ft Washington,Pa
Meetup: 8:00 am
Leave for Hope Lodge: 8:30 am (short 5 minute drive to show)
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